You are here to make the difference only you can


We are all perfectly imperfect beings here to share our uniqueness


You are in control of your thoughts, actions, and destiny.



Most would describe me as a mother, wife, and small business owner. But in reality, I am so much more than that. And so are you.

Being a therapist has long lineage of minimal reciprocity, where the output (Giving) is greater than the input (Recieving), but it does not have to be that way. 

Join me on a journey of body led results, crystal clarity on your unique place in the market and a heart-centred business that attracts amazing clients. 



The daughter of absent well-meaning parents, I grew up thinking that I had only one choice in life. Go to school, get a good job, become a mother and be in service to the masculine. While this laser focus led me to a high-paying career in my 20s, it didn't leave me with any sense of who I was and what brought me joy.

After an emotional shock, and realising there was so much more to life than this sense of worthlessness, I turned inward and began to befriend my body and embarked on the ultimate journey of self-discovery. And I learned that once you step into acknowledgement of what is most alive for you, there's no going back.

If you're ready to walk away from your own limiting beliefs and build a business you love, where you ooze self belief and certainty  I am ready to guide you on your journey. 


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"The course has given me an understanding and embodiment of what the boundaries are and beautiful tools / process for setting / reaffirming them! Something I can start integrating straight away instead of feeling lost and confused. I loved the practical component of it! Now I don't only have the knowledge but the experience as well! ."

Natalia Savenko

"I cannot thank you enough for this offering Trace. I can see you've spent so many hours/years on creating this course. It's so beautifully curated and you have been so present and attentive to me throughout it. It's so wonderfully healing to be held and supported by other women. To be truely seen. To speak my truth and my shame. Thank you for creating the space to do this"

Shar Tracy